Tuesday 29 September 2015

Poppies Throw

I have finished my poppies throw.  It took a little longer than I had thought (things always do).  I did manage to finish the other 3 strips by the weekend, but then I took ages fiddling about with the edges.  The problem is that stocking stitch curls up easily.   I looked at the Noro Hearts throw pattern and another Debbie Bliss pattern that I have got for a similar throw – in both cases they only have a narrow edge and both suggest you pick up a lot of stitches.  I decided to pick up less stitches so that the edges would be not curl so much and in the case of the top and bottom – I used smaller needles.

Poppies throw

I am pleased with the result – it looks like the idea I had in my head.  In case you are interested in knitting one – I am including the pattern below.  I haven’t filled in the black part at the centre of the poppy because otherwise the lines don’t show up.  Basically at it widest point the centre is 9sts across. 

knitted poppy throw

Poppies Throw Pattern
Yarn: Noro Kureyon  - 2 background shades.  I used 332 for the green squares (approximately 6 balls) and 263 for the brown squares (I used 8 balls of this because I used the orange parts of the balls for the poppies).
Poppy yarns – I used about 8 balls but I used up oddments and in some cases I only used half a ball.  My throw includes the following shades: 124, 204, 319, 277, 326, 272 and 263.
Black centres – again I used lots of odd bits of yarn left over from other projects. 
5mm needles
5mm circular needle
4mm circular needle

I knitted 6 strips of 7 squares.

Using a background shade and 5mm needles cast on 33sts and follow the chart shown below joining colours as necessary.  I used separate balls – so in the middle of the poppy, I was knitting with 5 separate balls.

When I had completed 6 strips I sewed them together using mattress stitch.
Right Side Edging
Using a 5mm circular needle and a background colour, pick up 25-26sts from the side of each square (approximately 176sts) and then work 3 rows in garter stitch.  Cast off. (Repeat for Left Side Edging).
Top Edging
Using a 4mm circular needle pick up and a background colour, pick up 3sts from the top of the side edging and 28sts from the top of each square, and then 3sts from the other side edging.  (approximately 174sts).  Work 5 rows in garter stitch.  Cast off.
Repeat for Bottom Edging picking up stitches from the bottom!
Sew in any ends.

Saturday 19 September 2015

Knitting on the Train

If I am not too cramped, I like to knit on the train.  Obviously I like knitting, but I also find it helps me to stay awake.  I like reading too, but I don’t get through many pages before my eyes start to close.

Although I have been away from home for the last week – I have been working on my poppies throw.  I have decided to knit the squares in strips and so far I have knitted 2 full strips.  It was the third strip that I was knitting on the train yesterday.

Now that I am home again I have laid out all the yarn that I have got so that I can easily decide which colour to use next.

Noro Kureyon

I have also laid out the 2 strips that I have done so far.  Although I have said that I am knitting my third strip – this may end up as my fifth as I am not completely happy with the order of the colours.

strips for poppies throw

As I am still on holiday this coming week – I am hoping to spend more time knitting, but I may have to spend time catching up on other things that have been neglected.  I was thinking - as the throw consists of 6 strips and I have almost finished 3 of them, by this time next week I ought to have almost finished this throw – with just the edging and the darning of ends to do.  It will be interesting to see if that is the case or if I have been distracted by something else.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Some More Noro Kureyon

I have finally finished the jacket I have been making.  I am not sure that the collar is exactly how Debbie Bliss intended it to be but I am happy with it.  I find that knitted garments fall into 2 categories – either I finish them and wear them immediately or I put them in a drawer and never wear them at all.  I finished the jacket on Tuesday morning and then wore it immediately.  

I went to Oxford to visit Oxford Yarn Store, and owner - Karen Draisey took a photo of me wearing it. 
Oxford Yarn Store

Karen’s shop was full of beautiful yarn and it was lucky that I knew what I wanted (more Kureyon) so I just tried hard to concentrate on that.  It would have been very easy to buy something else as well that I hadn’t intended!

Noro Kureyon
You may have seen the “Hearts” throw that was in Issue 5 of the Noro Magazine (Fall/Winter 2014) –when I saw it I liked it but instead of knitting hearts - I have decided to have a go at knitting poppies.  I have done a little chart on graph paper which I have altered several times.  My first sample is shown below.

knitted poppy

I think I am going to take it out and make it a bit narrower.  I originally intended the squares to have more background and less poppy – but I quite like a fairly large poppy.  It is odd that this square looks much smaller than the garter stitch squares I was knitting last week but in fact they are a very similar size.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Another Odd-ball Throw

I am supposed to have finished my Kureyon jacket and I have bought the new yarn for a shawl, but instead of finishing the jacket or starting the shawl, I have started knitting another odd-ball throw. The first square of which is shown below.
mitered squares

I had the idea and I wanted to try it.  I intend to knit 54 squares using 2 colours for each square, trying to avoid having any 2 squares the same.  The yarn is all double knitting and I am using 5mm needles and garter stitch.  I have cast on 71sts for each square, 35 + 1+ 35.

You can see how stressed I have been this week because instead of doing knitting that required any kind of thinking – I have just been knitting garter stitch squares!

mitred squares

Even while I have been knitting these squares, I have been thinking of other designs that will help me use up all the odd bits of yarn in my stash.  When I have finished this throw I will give it to charity.

I still hope to finish off the jacket off this week when I get to a shop to buy some buttons  but I had better keep my eyes shut as I pass all the new yarns!