Friday 26 December 2014

Kelly Connor Designs Knitting Bag

When I opened my presents on Christmas morning I discovered that my friend had sent me a Kelly Connor knitting bag.

Kelly Connor knitting bag

You can tell that she knows me well!  I had already opened another present which consisted of something to put in it.

Rowan and Noro yarn
I plan to use this new yarn to knit another version of my striped scarf pattern.  I may get on to that in January.

Saturday 20 December 2014

Mauve Knitted Baby’s Coat

I have just sewn the buttons on the coat that I have been making for about 3 weeks.  It is a Stella Smith design that I cut out of Simply Knitting magazine a few years ago.  I have just looked more closely at the pattern and have noticed the date of July 2006!

hand knitted baby's coat

The original design is knitted in pink with light coloured buttons.  I was asked to knit something in mauve and I tried light buttons but decided that the darker buttons looked better.  They are mauve too, but look black from a distance.  I am crossing my fingers that the coat fits the baby.  I have never seen her in the flesh, but hope I will soon be seeing a photo of her wearing a little mauve coat!
Just a few more days of Christmas preparations and overwork, and then I can get back to serious knitting.

Thursday 11 December 2014

No Time for Knitting

This is not quite true – I have knitted the back of the baby’s coat and I have thought about knitting a lot of other things!

Father Christmas tea cosy
This is a photo of a tea cosy that I knitted last year.  If you would like to make one the pattern is available from All the Fun of the Fair’s web-site.  
On Saturday I went to London and visited John Lewis’s haberdashery department on the 4th Floor.  It used to be better in the past - but I rarely leave without buying anything.  I had been given some money to buy myself a Christmas present so I bought some expensive yarn to make another version of my striped scarf and a couple of balls of red aran to add to a pile of yarn that I am collecting to make a cardigan.  Whilst in London, I did also buy some Christmas presents for friends and family!

Thursday 4 December 2014

Postage Stamp Inspired Bag

As it is winter now I decided that the summery bag I knitted earlier in the year was not appropriate and so I have found another one to use which I knitted a few years ago.

modular knitted bag
It is very bright and cheerful looking.  Both sides are made up from small mitred squares.  I got the idea from Kaffe Fassett’s various postage stamp inspired designs.  I have just counted the squares and there are 7 rows of 10 – so 70 on each side.  It sounds a lot but I don’t think it took very long to knit.  I was just using up odd bits of Colinette Fandango which has a very short colour change – so every small square is quite interesting.
I have done very little knitting this week – I have been too busy – I have knitted half a sleeve!  I have a few things I want to get done before Christmas, but at the moment preparations for Christmas are taking precedence.

I often knit Christmas presents, but this year I am only knitting one – a small baby’s coat which I intend to start soon.  I wanted to leave it until the last minute so that the baby would not have grown out of it before she gets it and it might actually fit her!