Sunday 26 April 2015

Colinette’s Arizona Dreams – Lone Star

This week has galloped by – I must be getting old – either that or I am spending too much time knitting in front of the snooker! 
At the beginning of the week - I knitted another strip of my odd ball throw but I am now knitting some samples for Colinette.  The first group of samples are knitted in the Lone Star colour-way using the Grand Teton pattern.  My first sample is shown below:

colinette arizona dreams knitting

The following photo shows what this kit looked like when I knitted it in the Sonoran pattern earlier in the month. 

Sonoran domino knitting throw

There are 5 Arizona Dreams patterns to choose from.  I think Grand Teton is the easiest to knit.  It reminds me of the Absolutely Fabulous Throw kit that used to be available.  Perhaps I should add at this point that I am not on commission!  I really think that the yarn is beautiful and the kits are very good value.

Friday 17 April 2015

Knitted Snooker Tea Cosy

I am a big sports fan and my idea of a perfect afternoon is knitting in front of the sport.  The World Snooker Tournament starts this weekend and I intend to spend the following 17 days knitting. 
A couple of years ago I came up with some sports themed tea cosies.  It seems an appropriate time to show you my snooker tea cosy.  Three images of it are shown below:

knitted snooker tea cosy

knitted snooker tea cosy

knitted snooker tea cosy

The reds look a bit odd in the photos – in reality they look better.  The basic tea cosy is a square green shape with a brown trim.  I then knitted the 15 reds for the top – the baulk colours on one side and the blue, red and black on the other.

Friday 10 April 2015

Colinette Arizona Dreams Throw – Sonoran Design - Finishing Touches

At the weekend, I did manage to finish knitting the main part of the Colinette Arizona Dreams Sonoran throw.  I then needed to do the finishing touches.  This included the triangles that I needed to knit along the side edges.

modular knitting triangles Sonoran

I also had to sew in all the ends and  then lastly I made 8 curly ques to finish off the long edges of the throw.

curly que Colinette Sonoran

This is a close-up of one of the curly ques.  For some reason – they never seem to turn out exactly the same.  I suppose I must twist some more than others.

The photo below shows two curly ques sewn onto the throw.

curyly ques Sonoran finishing

The throw is now finished and has been posted off to Colinette.  I am thinking about what to knit next and I think will make a start on another strip of the multi-coloured throw that I started last month.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Colinette Arizona Dreams Throw – Sonoran Design

At the moment I am knitting a third Colinette Arizona Dreams throw in the Sonoran design.  This time it is in a colour-way called Lone Star – which is mainly mauves and blues.

Colinette Arizona Dreams Sonoran

I actually knitted this first diamond last Thursday and since then I have set aside my odd ball throw and have knitted a lot more.

Arizona Dreams Sonoran Lone Star

I am glad that I spread it out to take some photos because I noticed a mistake I had made!  I have now done some unravelling and am in the process of reknitting a few diamonds.

modular knitting throw

I am still pleased with my progress, but I will have to pay more attention.  I am very careful when I start - to make sure I am using the right yarn for each diamond, but then I tend to get a bit blasé! 

I hope to finish this throw over Easter weekend and then I can get back to my unfinished projects.