Thursday 16 July 2020

Afternoon Tea Throw – Scotch Egg

I have finished the Scotch Egg block for my throw.  It was very easy to knit and I am happy with it.

I had meant to knit a block inspired by cucumber sandwiches and I will produce one eventually.  I have tried 2 different versions this week and I didn’t like either of them so they have been unravelled.  I will think of something but for now it is better to have a break from that idea and try something else.  I may even go back to the fair-isle cardigan that I am supposed to be knitting.

Friday 10 July 2020

Afternoon Tea Throw – Chocolate Cake and Swiss Roll

This week I have finished 3 more squares for my afternoon tea throw.  The first one is supposed to be chocolate cake.  In real life I think the filling would probably be a similar colour to the sponge – but that would not make for a good design.  Alternatively my mother used to make a delicious chocolate cake with cream on the top – this would not make a very interesting design either.

The block is the same a one I have knitted before only in different colours.  I have repeated this idea for the Swiss Roll blocks.  The first one is chocolate like the cake and the second one uses red and yellow like the Victoria sponge block.

It is not going to be all cake.  I have thought about some savoury blocks.  I am currently knitting a Scotch egg – that is not a phrase you come across very often!  I am supposed to be finishing a cardigan but I keep getting ideas for my throw and wanting to try them out.