I am pleased with the way it has
turned out. In the end I did decide to
extend it by knitting another half section and then another full section of the
pattern. It is now almost the same size
as the original. The reason it turned
out smaller is because I have used thinner yarn.
The following is the back view of
me modelling my Gossington shawl for Karen Draisey of Oxford Yarn Store.

I am pleased how this shawl has
turned out as well. While I was in the shop – I bought some more yarn to knit
yet another shawl. They are quite
therapeutic. They are the right size –
not too large, not too small and fiddly and it doesn’t really matter what size
they turn out to be.
I am still trying to finish a
little baby coat that I started in January.
I have unravelled the sleeves several times. I couldn’t seem to get them to look the same
– so I started again knitting them both at the same time. This seems to have worked and I have now got
to the sewing up stage. This is
something I am not keen on – so I had better get on with it before I put the
project on one side and start on something else.
Actually I have already started
on the “Brick bag” that I have wanted to knit for a few years – but it is the
kind of project that – you do a bit and then stop and think about it – so I can
leave it and go back to the sewing up. I
am hoping that I will be able to write more frequent posts but I know I have
said that before and it didn’t happen. I
seem to be better at knitting than writing about it.